Hi folks, I've recently purchased Voiceattack and Alix HCS voicepack. I've also followed the instructions to install and import the Alix profile plus the windows 10 configuration, which seems fine. When I open the tool, it seems that it can recognize the profile and it's waiting for ED to be opened, so I proceed to open the game.
Before to proceed on what are the issues specifically I want to say that I have already seen Voiceattack + HCS voicespack in action, it seems a good combination between human and AI, so you can basically "talk" with your computer and it is going to answer.
But not for me, so usually I start with the common instructions like: hello Alix, or hi, or simple in game command like "landing gear" etc but the tool is not answering properly.
While for any greetings like Hello, Hi, Alix, etc the tool is not answering at all, when I use the common in game commands, the tool is answering after circa 5 sec in delay.
Sometimes VA is talking alone like somebody gives a command (which I didn't and the room was totally silent).
I have checked the VA report and I see a lot of "unrecognized command" or command totally different on what I have actually said (like NO instead of Hello, or YES instead of Hi).
I didn't find any valuable solution around, and also no updated video instructions on how to set the things properly and how I can avoid such issues.
Any help?