I don't know if this should be considered a bug. I was messing around with my Elite Dangerous profile and I had my keybindings where m (lowercase m) is the Galaxy Map and SHIFT+m (uppercase M) is the System Map. Elite and my Warthog HOTAS are good with this. However, when I tried to build some commands for calling up Galaxy/System maps and doing status checks, the Galaxy Map worked fine, but when I tried to call up the System Map I got both System and Galaxy Map running on top of each other.
Af first, I thought maybe I had missed changing some commands (I do a lot of copy paste to save time), or perhaps I forgot to check to make sure sounds should finish playing before continuing. But after 20 minutes of checking, I couldn't find anything wrong. THEN I realized that for Galaxy Map in my profile using the "When I press a key..." the m was showing up as an uppercase M - and SHIFT-M is also essentially an uppercase M. So that was why when I hit the switch on my Warthog to pull up the system map, it was triggering both that and the galaxy map at the same time.
So the issue is that VoiceAttack doesn't seem to discriminate between upper and lowercase characters for letters. I can easily solve this problem by changing my keybinds, but still, this seems to be a weird problem to have with VoiceAttack when both Elite Dangerous and programmable HOTAS systems all support upper/lower case characters correctly.