Author Topic: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....  (Read 7078 times)


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VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« on: December 03, 2016, 05:37:59 AM »
VA often randomly stops working after a while, it tends to happen more often if I've been quiet for a while, if I use it constantly it tends to be ok.
When it stops responding, sometimes I find that if I minimise the game (ED), & then issue a command VA will suddenly come back to life (& btw all the previous commands that hadn't worked will suddenly be displayed as unrecognised commands in one line), however I've noticed this 'fix' doesn't tend to last long, sometimes just minutes.
So now I tend to close VA & restart it, which sorts it out for longer.

I have posted about this issue before but somehow my forum account here has been deleted (or vanished) so I've had to re-register & so I have no subs to the old thread.
Oh & I've been having this issue with VA since I've been using it (many months), it's really getting on my nerves now :/, I was hoping updated versions would fix this but it hasn't.

I don't see how creating a new windows profile would fix this seeing as it happened pretty much straight after I created it in the 1st place, & restarting VA temporarily fixes it anyway!

I hope someone can help! :)


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Re: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2016, 08:26:17 AM »
I have experienced random stops as well. I don't know if it is the same issue or just the same symptom.

What happens is this: Sometimes in the middle of a game, VA just stops listening and the little red sign appears on the headset icon. I have a voice command to start VA listening. This command works most of the time and VA starts again. On some very rare occasions I have to shut VA down and start it again. I don't know how to reproduce the mistake reliably.

I don't know if this helps tracking down the problem: VA is set to always listen. Game noise shouldn't interfere with VA because I play in a quiet room and use a headset. I use VA together with Teamspeak. My Teamspeak push-to talk key  mutes VA while pressed. Thus I mute and unmute VA numerous times during a session. I have a vague suspicion that VA might hang when it is muted too often with the TS ptt key. Could this be the case?

I use VA and Windows 10 64bit. The only game I use with VA is ArmA3.
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2016, 09:47:44 AM »
This is symptomatic of the speech engine or something in your system affecting the speech engine (hardware and/or software).  VA works on the events of the speech engine, so when you see a red microphone or or red, 'x' or other constant icons appearing at the top of the screen, that means that VA is being told that something is happening by the  speech engine.  That means that the speech engine is either, 'hearing' something (too loud, too quiet) or no audio signal at all. 

There have been cases where a new speech engine gets corrupted right after an install or after putting in a new one.  I would suggest trying checking the boxes next to, 'disable acoustic echo cancellation' and 'disable adaptive recognition' to see if that helps if you don't want to try replacing the speech profile (although replacing the profile has helped in a lot of cases).  Also be aware that long-running, non-asynchronous commands (commands that have the box, 'allow other commands to be executed...' unchecked) will cause your commands to back up as they wait on each other.  Also, also... make sure your plugins are not bogging down VA (low chance, but just be aware as well).

In regards to the account, it's not frequent that I delete accounts.  The policy here is that if you create an account and have zero posts for 60 days, the account is purged and you will have to recreate the account.  If you make even just one post, the account is not ever removed.  I did a check and I did not see another account for your email address.  There was point when hosting was changed a few months back and it could have gotten washed out then (I think it mostly affected recent messages).  If that's the case, sorry about that.

Alpha- The PTT feature in VA doesn't have anything to do with the speech engine, believe it or not.  Nothing is ever actually, 'muted', as there are verbal commands that can override, 'not listening'.


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Re: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2016, 11:19:09 AM »
Thanks for your reply Gary :)

I already had adaptive recognition checked & it didn't seem to make much difference, I have since checked echo cancel & that does seem to have helped. Will monitor it.

I don't know what you mean by non-asynch commands.
What sort of plugins do you mean? Browser ones?

I'm pretty sure I did post here on a an earlier account, maybe it was the host change, oh well, nm, can post now :)


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Re: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2016, 12:59:50 PM »
Thanks for your reply Gary :)

I already had adaptive recognition checked & it didn't seem to make much difference, I have since checked echo cancel & that does seem to have helped. Will monitor it.

I don't know what you mean by non-asynch commands.
What sort of plugins do you mean? Browser ones?

I can answer these ones:

1) non-asynchronous commands: You go through the commands one at a time. Everything is on hold until the current command completes.
asynchronous commands: Multitasking! Run several commands at the same time doing different things (keypress beware though)

2) Voice Attack plugins (EDDI for Elite Dangerous for example)


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Re: VA often randomly stops working after a while.....
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2016, 09:10:59 PM »
Thanks, Gangrel ;)