3rd Party Text-to-Speech VoicesNextUpAT&T Natural Voices = https://nextup.com/attnv.htmlIvona Voices = https://nextup.com/ivona/ (multi-voice packs available)Harpo Software (free trial and multi-voice packs available)Ivona Voices = https://harposoftware.com/en/2-main/s-1/index/brand-ivona/category-single_voicesNuance Voices = https://harposoftware.com/en/2-main/s-1/index/brand-nuance/category-single_voicesCereProcCereProc Voices = https://www.cereproc.com/en/storesapi (see customizable demo at top of page)Note that 100% compatibility is not guaranteed since these are 3rd party after all. You assume full responsibility for what happens to your PC if you employ any of these voices. If you encounter issues with any voices we'll update this list to reflect it.