When I try generating a 'minute stamp' using the below:
Set text [runNumDateFormat] to 'YY-MM-DD-HH-mm'
Set text [runNum] to '{DATETIMEFORMAT:runNumDateFormat}' (save value to profile)
Execute command, 'Get Recognition Profile Info' (and wait until it completes)
Set text [runPath] to '{VA_SOUNDS}\{TXT:~~WSRCurrentProfile}\{TXT:runNum}\' (save value to profile)
Inline C# Function: Create directories, wait until execution finishes
The {DATETIMEFORMAT:formatVariable} doesn't understand 'YY' (2 digit year) or 'DD' (zero padded day), so it results in something that looks like (actual output): "YY-09-DD-08-35"
I've come up with a work around by using other tokens and expressions:
Set text [~year] to {DATEYEAR}
Set text [runNum] to '{TXTSUBSTR:~year:2:2}-{EXP: IIF({DATEMONTHNUMERIC} < 10,0,'')}{DATEMONTHNUMERIC}-{EXP: IIF({DATEDAY} < 10,0,'')}{DATEDAY}-{TIMEHOUR24}-{EXP: IIF({TIMEMINUTE} < 10,0,'')}{TIMEMINUTE}' (save value to profile)
Execute command, 'Get Recognition Profile Info' (and wait until it completes)
Set text [runPath] to '{VA_SOUNDS}\{TXT:~~WSRCurrentProfile}\{TXT:runNum}\' (save value to profile)
Inline C# Function: Create directories, wait until execution finishes
Notes about the workaround:
{TIMEHOUR24} already zero pads the number (and is the only token I found that does).
{TXTSUBSTR:{DATEYEAR}:2:2} doesn't work and resolves to 'Not Set,' which is why I had to put the full year into '~year' first.