Author Topic: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand  (Read 1382 times)


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Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« on: May 22, 2021, 06:01:50 PM »
So I wanted to do a voicecommand that would pick a champion for me.
Problem is champions names are kinda specific, so a wildcard * would not do it.
So I opted to paste the champion names as segment in the vc: "ban [Gragas;Jhin;etc]"
That worked fine until I added all the other champions (about 300).
Now everytime I try he just sets "Not set"

I understand that 300 may be way to much for va. I'm now searching for another solution to this, if there is one.


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2021, 06:04:38 PM »
What are the contents of your command? Right-click the action list, choose "Copy All as Text" from the context menu, then paste here into a code block (click the # button)


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2021, 06:29:19 PM »
Code: [Select]
Display window 'League of Legends' as [Normal]
Move mouse cursor to application coordinates (1010, 133)
Click left mouse button
Pause 0,2 seconds
Set Windows clipboard to '{CMDSEGMENT:2}'
Press Left Ctrl+V keys and hold for 0,1 seconds and release
Pause 0,2 seconds
Move mouse cursor to application coordinates (480, 207)
Click left mouse button
Pause 0,2 seconds
Move mouse cursor to application coordinates (799, 761)
Click left mouse button

And my command is this monstrosity:
[ban;pick] [Aatrox;Ahri;Akali;Alistar;Amumu;Anivia;Annie;Aphelios;Ashe;Aurelion Sol;Azir;Bard;Blitzcrank;Brand;Braum;Caitlyn;Camille;Cassiopeia;Cho'Gath;Corki;Darius;Diana;Dr.Mundo;Draven;Ekko;Elise;Evelynn;Ezreal;Fiddlesticks;Fiora;Fizz;Galio;Gangplank;Garen;Gnar;Gragas;Graves;Gwen;Hecarim;Heimerdinger;Irelia;Ivern;Janna;Jarvan;Jax;Jayce;Jhin;Jinx;Kalista;Karma;Karthus;Kassadin;Katarina;Kayle;Kayn;Kennen;Kha'Zix;Kindred;Kled;Kog'Maw;LeBlanc;Lee;Sin;Leona;Lillia;Lissandra;Lucian;Lulu;Lux;Malphite;Malzahar;Maokai;Master Yi;Miss Fortune;Mordekaiser;Morgana;Nami;Nasus;Nautilus;Neeko;Nidalee;Nocturne;Nunu;Olaf;Orianna;Ornn;Pantheon;Poppy;Pyke;Qiyana;Quinn;Rakan;Rammus;Rek'Sai;Rell;Renekton;Rengar;Riven;Rumble;Ryze;Samira;Sejuani;Senna;Seraphine;Sett;Shaco;Shen;Shyvana;Singed;Sion;Sivir;Skarner;Sona;Soraka;Swain;Sylas;Syndra;Tahm Kench;Taliyah;Talon;Taric;Teemo;Thresh;Tristana;Trundle;Tryndamere;Twisted Fate;Twitch;Udyr;Urgot;Varus;Vayne;Veigar;Vel'Koz;Vi;Viego;Viktor;Vladimir;Volibear;Warwick;Wukong;Xayah;Xerath;Xin Zhao;Yasuo;Yone;Yorick;Yuumi;Zac;Zed;Ziggs;Zilean;Zoe;Zyra]


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2021, 06:36:53 PM »
Have you read the documentation on the "{CMDSEGMENT:}" token? Segments are zero-indexed, meaning the first segment is at index 0, and the second is at index 1, not at index 2.


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2021, 07:08:38 PM »
Wait what? O.o
But then I'm confused, because this one works:
test [viego; janna; karma]
Code: [Select]
Set Windows clipboard to '{CMDSEGMENT:1}'
Press Left Ctrl+V keys and hold for 0,1 seconds and release


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2021, 07:10:33 PM »
Your command has one dynamic command section, but two segments.

The static parts of a phrase also count as segments.


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2021, 07:17:05 PM »
Ohh! I did not realise that.
Testet it now with that and it works. (Besides some misinterpretations by va, but thats just how it is :D )
Thanks so much!


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Re: Issue with to many segments in voicecommand
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2021, 07:29:44 PM »
Names that aren't in the built-in dictionary, which is especially likely for nicknames, may be recognized less reliably.

If you intend to speak these names often, you can add them to the dictionary and record a custom pronunciation for them, which should improve recognition accuracy.

Click the wrench icon on VoiceAttack's main window, and on the "Recognition" tab of the VoiceAttack options window click the "Utilities >" button, then choose "Add/Remove Dictionary Words"

Adding all ~300 of them would obviously be quite the undertaking, so you could focus on adding the ones you're having the most trouble with