I currently use the following to control proximity chat in SC. This forces VA to stop listening for as long as I have Joystick 1 button 30 pressed and then resumes listening after I release the button.
Stop VoiceAttack listening
Set text [PTTname] to 'SC Proximity PTT'
Set integer [PTTchannel] value to 1
Start Loop While: Joystick 1 button 30 is Pressed
End Loop
Set integer [PTTchannel] value to 0
Start VoiceAttack listening
What I would like to do is modify this so that this works the same way when I have two joystick buttons held down instead of the one. For example, holding down Joystick 2 button 30 first and then also holding Joystick 1 button 30 simultaneously to initiate PTT (and stop VA from listening until both buttons are released).
If anyone has any ideas/suggestions on how I might be able to implement this, your feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.