Inspired by this question
https://forum.voiceattack.com/smf/index.php?topic=3371.msg15429#msg15429 (Enter coordinates using voice: What is the best way), I"ve tried something but without success.
Let me first explain what I want to do. I'm flying the F18 in DCS and want to change heading while in flight by changing the position of the heading switch indicator
1. Connect with the autopilot by pressing Right Shift + K (A/P button on the UFC)
2. Engage Attitude Hold mode by pressing Right Shift + Z
3. Select heading switch left by pressing Right Shift N during 3 seconds
4. Type in a 3 digit number in the UFC. Programmed my numerical keys on the UFC with the numpad keys
5. Press enter on the UFC (also programmed with the enter button om the numpad keyboard)
6. Connect again with the autopilot by pressing Right Shift + K
7. Press Heading select on the UFC by pressing Left Shift + 2
I Used {CMD} as variable but I do not know if this is correct (Don't know if I've set it elsewhere in a command). I used a loop but also don't know if this is correct. This is what it looks like:
Sproken command:
change heading in [0..9]Press Right Shift+K keys and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Pause 0.1 seconds
Press Right Shift+Z keys and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Pause 0.1 seconds
Press Right Shift+N keys and hold for 3 seconds and release
Pause 0.1 seconds
Play sound, 'C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav'
Wait for spoken response: '[0..9]'
Play sound, 'C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav'
Wait for spoken response: '[0..9]'
Play sound, 'C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav'
Wait for spoken response: '[0..9]'
Start Loop While : [{CMD}] Equals 0
Begin Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 0
Press NumPad 0 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 1
Press NumPad 1 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 2
Press NumPad 2 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 3
Press NumPad 3 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 4
Press NumPad 4 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 5
Press NumPad 5 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 6
Press NumPad 6 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 7
Press NumPad 7 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 8
Press NumPad 8 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
Else If Integer Compare : [{CMD}] Equals 9
Press NumPad 9 key and hold for 0.1 seconds and release
End Loop
Press NumPad Enter key and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
Pause 0.1 seconds
Press Right Shift+K keys and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
Pause 0.1 seconds
Press Left Shift+2 keys and hold for 0.2 seconds and release
Say, 'New heading selected' (and wait until it completes)
End Condition
Any tip will do. In the mean time i am trying to do a course C# on the microsoft website to learn much more about Voice Attack!
Sincere greetings