Author Topic: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies  (Read 4336 times)


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[1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« on: July 20, 2016, 11:29:19 AM »
A few issues with the action list when using long values for things like variable names and other text:

Truncated, but length does not scale with the window:
Code: [Select]
Set Text [...
Set Boolean [...
Write, '...
Write '[Blue] ...' to log
These have additional issues:

The entire entry is cut off, rather than just the variables. This means "Set Text [] to '' (Trim) (Replace '' with '' (Upper Case)" becomes "Set Text [..." instead, making it impossible to know what the action will do exactly. This occurs with all of them except "Write '' to log".

While this copied text show "..." at the end, in the action list itself I only see ".", I.E. "Write, '."

"Copy Selected as Text" or "Copy All as Text" will not expand "...", which I feel it should.

As an aside, the "Say Something with Text-To-Speech" and  "Write Text to a File" multi-line textboxes do not allow CTRL+A to select all text(It only makes a "Default Beep"/"Windows Ding" sound).

Not truncated; Can go right off the side of the list:
Code: [Select]
Pause a variable number of seconds []
Execute command, '' (and wait until it completes)
Kill command, ''
Change to profile, ''
Say, ''
Play sound, ''
Run application ''
Close '' process
Set Windows clipboard to ''
Display window '' as [Normal]
Set small int (condition) [] value to 0
Set integer [] value to 0
Set decimal [] value to 0
Set date [] value to the current date/time
Begin Small Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Text Compare : [] Equals ''
Begin Boolean Compare : [] Equals False
Begin Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Decimal Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Date Compare : [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:10:04
Else If Small Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Text Compare : [] Equals ''
Else If Boolean Compare : [] Equals False
Else If Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Decimal Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Date Compare : [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:13:15
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While : [] Equals ''
Start Loop While [] Equals False
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:16:56
Also note that only "Start Loop While" for text has a colon, whereas all "Begin X Compare" and "Else If" have them.

Have an absolute character limit within the textbox that sets them:
Code: [Select]
Execute command, '' (by name) (and wait until it completes)
Jump to Marker:
"Execute command, '' (by name)" has this absolute character limit, even though a command name can be much longer.

There are inconsistencies with capitalization of these action list entries as well:

All words capitalized:
Code: [Select]
Enable Hotkeys
Disable Hotkeys
Enable Mouse Shortcuts
Disable Mouse Shortcuts
Enable Joysticks
Disable Joysticks
Start Dictation Mode
Stop Dictation Mode
Clear Dictation Buffer
Set Text [r] to '' (Trim) (Replace 'e' with '' (Upper Case)
Set Boolean [...
Begin Small Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Text Compare : [] Equals ''
Begin Boolean Compare : [] Equals False
Begin Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Decimal Compare : [] Equals 0
Begin Date Compare : [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:10:04
End Condition
Else If Small Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Text Compare : [] Equals ''
Else If Boolean Compare : [] Equals False
Else If Integer Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Decimal Compare : [] Equals 0
Else If Date Compare : [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:13:15
End Condition - Exit when condition met or not met
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While : [] Equals ''
Start Loop While [] Equals False
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While [] Equals 0
Start Loop While [] Equals 20/07/2016 18:16:56
End Loop
Jump to Marker:
Exit Command

First word capitalized(excluding single word entries):
Code: [Select]
Press A key and hold for 0,06 seconds and release
Move mouse cursor to screen coordinates (0, 0)
Click left mouse button
Pause 0,1 seconds
Pause a variable number of seconds []
Execute command, '[Shift ;][' (and wait until it completes)
Execute command, '' (by name) (and wait until it completes)
Kill command, '[Shift ;]['
Stop VoiceAttack command processing
Change to profile, ''
Do nothing (ignore command)
Start VoiceAttack listening
Stop VoiceAttack listening
Stop all text-to-speech
Play sound, ''
Play random sound (1 item)
Stop all playing sounds
Run application ''
Set Windows clipboard to ''
Display window '' as [Normal]
Set small int (condition) [] value to 0
Set integer [] value to 0
Set decimal [] value to 0
Set date [] value to the current date/time
Clear saved data from profile : small int (condition), integer, text, true/false (boolean), decimal
Execute external plugin, 'VoiceAttack General Purpose Plugin'

I included all of them, but while most are probably a matter of preference, the "Set X value to" entries, where only "Set Text" and "Set Boolean" are capitalized, are clearly inconsistent with other entries like "Begin X Compare" and "Else If X Compare".

Lastly: When scrolling through the "Other Stuff" window's "Select a special action..." list using keyboard keys, the list will close when the window changes to something with a default input field.

It seems focus is forced to the first field in the window for most entries, with the following exceptions:
Code: [Select]
Begin a Conditional (If Statement) Block
Set a Text Value to the Windows Clipboard
Add a Comment to the Action List
Add a Jump Marker
Add a Jump
Perform a Window Function
Quick Input
Add Else If to Conditional Block
Loop Start
Set a Date/Time Value
Write Text to a File
Not included are settings without input fields(only checkboxes for example) where focus wouldn't normally shift.

Most of these do focus on the first field when adding them directly from the "Other" context menu or clicking inside the dropdown, with the exception of:
Code: [Select]
Add a Jump
Quick Input
Write Text to a File
Which just focus on the "Select a special action..." dropdown, despite having input fields.

I feel it's also worth noting that the "Select a special action..." dropdown does not appear to have much of an order to it. It's neither alphabetical, nor in the order of the context menu. It looks to most recent entries last instead.

Attached is a command that includes all action list entries, with long input in the first field. Note that other fields may also need to be truncated for proper display.


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Re: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2016, 06:48:28 PM »
Thanks for the heads-up.  I'll look into it once this storm is over... o_O


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Re: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2016, 02:23:17 PM »
I think several of these have been resolved... I can't remember which.  Whatever is left is probably not going to change as the UI will be redone completely.  The dropdown selector for the, 'other' commands is the order that they were added.  I received complaints in the beginning that the order was important, as changing it would impede speed (its left over from before the flyout menus).  It's probably going to go away soon, though as it kind of drags down the pace of development.

Thanks for all you do!


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Re: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2016, 04:18:32 PM »
I think several of these have been resolved
The ones that were truncated aren't anymore and just go off the side of the list, which is preferable.

Those that had an absolute character limit do not anymore(technically they're limited to 32767, which is the Win32 default)

The rest is either pedantry and/or likely to change with the UI overhaul.

I can't remember which.  Whatever is left is probably not going to change as the UI will be redone completely.
Ah yes, converting to WPF. I'm sure that'll be quick and painless.


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Re: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2016, 07:56:23 PM »
Ah yes, converting to WPF. I'm sure that'll be quick and painless.

I'm dragging my feet o_O

I've probably started down that road like five times and then realize I'm out of time and I'll come back later.


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Re: [1.5.9] UI inconsistencies
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2016, 10:55:14 AM »
I applaud you for getting into it at all; I get that there are advantages to using WPF, but for me personally it's not yet worth the hassle to switch(for my cobbled together hobby apps).