The default global minimum confidence level is set to 0, so usually any command that is recognized should execute.
It appears you changed that setting to 50, so now if the speech engine matches what you say to a command phrase, but is less than 50% sure the match is actually correct, the command will not execute.
This setting can be set in different places, and will overridden by those at lower levels, in the order of:
- "Minimum Confidence Level" on the "Recognition" tab of the VoiceAttack options window
- "Override global minimum confidence level" on the "Profile General" tab of the active profile's options window
- "Minimum confidence level" on the "Edit a Command" window
(where 3 overrides 2, and 2 overrides 1).
By default, 1 is set to 0 (so has no effect), and 2 and 3 are disabled (as their checkboxes are not checked).
While you can return this value to its default setting so commands will execute regardless of confidence, a recognition confidence that low is an indication that speech recognition is not working optimally.
Make sure that when using German commands you're using the German speech recognition engine.
Check that your microphone doesn't have a background hum or other line noise; Background noise (E.G. a fan blowing in your direction) can also dramatically impact recognition.
Run the speech recognition training for that engine (you may want to create a new speech recognition profile for that engine, specifically, as well) a few times (I recommend three or more).
As an aside, if this is a profile for Elite:Dangerous, I believe you can get the amount of limpets on board from the game, using
EDDI (the "Ship limpets carried" integer value).