To paste text, first send it to the clipboard using the "Set a Text Value to the Windows Clipboard" action, then use a Ctrl-V keypress.
Checking the time of day is a little more involved:
Begin Text Compare : [{EXP: {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} >= 0600 And {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} <= 1600}] Equals '1'
Set Windows clipboard to 'Morning'
Else If Text Compare : [{EXP: {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} >= 1601 And {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} <= 2300}] Equals '1'
Set Windows clipboard to 'Evening'
Else If Text Compare : [{EXP: {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} >= 2301 And {TIMEHOUR24}{TIMEMINUTE} <= 0559}] Equals '1'
Set Windows clipboard to 'Night'
End Condition
Press Left Ctrl+V keys and hold for 0,06 seconds and release