I got Voice Attack with Viacom Pro for use with DCS. I was having problems getting it to recognize my California Accent.
Have you tried the suggestions in
this topic? The alternative speech recognition engine is worth trying as well.
Also I was having problems with it recognizing my Phraseology. I'm a pilot and unfortunately the phrases I use all the time are not what it recognizes and I am having to relearn other phraseology.
Were these short phrases, or even individual words? The more data the speech recognition engine has to work with, the better the recognition accuracy.
If you really can't get a certain word recognized, and you've tried training(or
re-training) your speech profile, you can use the word the speech recognition "thinks" you're saying in your command phrase instead.
Now some of the airplanes I fly in DCS do not respond to the commands from the reinstalled menus.
If this only happens with specific aircraft or commands, have you verified the keybindings are still correct? If they are, you can also try adding a pause between keypresses, or holding them down longer.