Both "{EXP:}" and decimal text conversion handle decimal points fine in v1.7.2.4
I will note, as the output of tokens is still locale-dependent, chaining them together requires explicitly replacing the decimal separator.
Set decimal [dec] value to the converted value of 0.15
Write [Blue] '{EXP: {TXTREPLACEVAR:"{DEC:dec}":",":"."} * 0.75}' to log
Would it be better to have the math work by default and have the tokens always return "." as the decimal separator?
There'd still be the option of using "{TXTREPLACEVAR:}" for display purposes, instead of every time you want to insert a non-integer value.
That said, it may break things, E.G. The command I posted actually uses the "," to check if the number is integer, so it wouldn't work if the output used "." instead.
In my case it can be changed easily, but if it's a bigger issue for larger profiles somehow, perhaps a "Use locale-based decimal separator" option could be a(non-futureproof) workaround.
I didn't get back to you earlier because I was waiting for the new beta to post, I even downloaded the installer, not realizing it was an unofficial instead
In my defense, I was about to go to bed