So I'm using voice attack to mainly control my pc rather than for gaming.
Id like to use it to paste some text as a group and not has individual letters. I generally do a lot of php work so I would like to enter the following text saying the word "PHP".
<?php ?>
I can do this using the "quick input command"
My problem is, if I make a mistake, to undo it, (my undo command "contrl+Z" )it removes a single letter at a time as if I have typed it.
Is there a way to have it set as a
paste option the the whole <php? ?> in some kind of variable? similar to a copy and paste action.
Also an extra addition would be if the cursor position could be with the php tags? <php?
[cursor here]?>
I did have this setup by using "quick input command" with the left arrow key pressed a few times.
Any support and I would be most grateful.