Cheers Gary. Just as I finally remembered about serialisation of objects (which appears to be what you've done) your added info about the fact that it's likely to change means I won't bother pursuing this.
As I write this I'm thinking I'll just add in a note to the VA output that when my plugin doesn't find a match that you might need to re-export your profile for it to search.
Given that this was my last sticking point I plan on releasing this plugin soon (maybe next week) called "Voice Attack - Did You Mean" which basically does a search of your commands trying to find what you might have meant when you say an unrecognised command.
It's become invaluable to me since I started using some of the pre-compiled voicepacks as sometimes the author's choice of phrases doesn't match what I'd naturally say. While it's easy enough to update them individually these VA profiles can be huge, so I created a kind of "fuzzy search" that tries to identify the command you meant then reads suggestions back to you.
Works great if a profile contains the command "open cargo scoop" and you say "open THE cargo scoop".
If it only finds one match it will automatically run the command, if it finds more than one then it will read two or three back to you depending on how you configure it.
Watch this space! Or the plugin release section anyway