So I have this awesome Idea for voice attack and I wanted to see what your ideas are.
Its nothing technical just audio related, but I have dreamed of a unique response system that is a merging on vocal and soundbites for cartoons, movies, podcasts, etc.
Think the little computer in Flubber that uses different media to express emotions to the viewer. Something like that.
I know how to record them with my computer, I just have trouble with how to make it sound interesting. And yes I know that if something like this exists that use bites from other media then I can't be sold or anything because of licencing.
But just think that your flying around and you have like soundbites of Gir from Invader Zim responding back at you mixed with regular voice audio or just Gir ^_^.
I tried looking for videos on gir, but most of it is bad quality to record from.
So what do you think of that?
Also, if something like this exists already, link it to me.