There does appear to be an issue with this, indeed.
In a test profile containing four commands, which each contain four "Say Something with Test-To-speech" actions, if one action is changed, thirteen changes are made. The other actions within the command being changed remain in their original state, only the action that was changed directly is updated.
In other words: "Say Something with Test-To-speech" mass update doesn't work within a command, only within the rest of the profile.
There's also a minor issue where changing anything other than the Voice setting will still result in an entry for the former on the confirmation dialog, E.G.
- All 'Say Something with Text-To-Speech' actions that use the text-to-speech voice, 'Default' will be updated to use 'Default'
As a side note, Mass Update cannot be undone by clicking "Cancel" on the "Say Something with Test-To-speech" window. The "Edit a Keypress" and "Edit a Pause" dialogs makes note of this:
Note that to undo this update, you will have to hit Cancel on the Command Edit screen.
But the "Say Something with Text-To-Speech" equivalent dialog does not.
This is not noted in the VoiceAttackHelp.pdf documentation either(for any of the three Mass Update features).
Side note #2, whereas the "Mass update" checkbox remains greyed out until a change is made in the "Say Something with Text-To-Speech" window, the "Edit a Keypress" and "Edit a Pause" equivalent checkboxes are always enabled, and simply do nothing if no changes are detected.