I have a problem using Voice Attack for the Digital Combat Simulator (DCS). There is an "intercomm" button that allows me to communicate with the AI. The problem in DCS is that this button does not work for the first time, after it has not been used for a while. So if it has not been used for more than about half a minute or so, then it has to be pressed a second time before DCS accepts this button as an input. But if it has been used recently, then it is accepted immediately after the first time.
At least this bug occurs on my PC system (Win 10) and it only concerns the "intercomm" button, while other buttons work without problems. You can probably imagine how much problem this makes, when I try to use Voice Attack for DCS.
So my question is whether there is a way how Voice Attack could check, if DCS has accepted this button or not. I am really desperate about this right now. Any help is appreciated!