Author Topic: Upon executing command - wait - for second voice activation before continue ?  (Read 4578 times)


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Hi Folks,

Fairly recently discovered VA and I think I have the basics down - been building profiles for various needs - and I am quite impressed with this utility...

One question - I use VA as a bit of a virtual copilot in P3D... One common task of a copilot - is to read various checklists dependent upon phase of flight... Some items the copilot executes on his own with verbal acknowledgement - others - he is waiting for the pilot to acknowledge...

Is there a way - once a command is triggered (such as reading items on a checklist) - is there a way to pause the execution to have it wait for another - second - verbal command (roger, checked, set) before continuing ???




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If you want to do it in one command, you'll have to use dictation:
Code: [Select]
Set Boolean [DictationComplete] to False
Start Loop While : [DictationComplete] Equals False
    Start Dictation Mode (Clearing Dictation Buffer)
    Start Loop While : [{DICTATION}] Equals ''
    End Loop
    Stop Dictation Mode
    Begin Text Compare : [{EXP: '{DICTATION}' LIKE '*roger*' Or '{DICTATION}' LIKE '*checked*' Or '{DICTATION}' LIKE '*set*'}] Equals '1'
        Set Boolean [DictationComplete] to True
        Say, 'Please say "Roger", "Checked" or "Set"'
    End Condition
End Loop

A major caveat is that this relies on the Microsoft Speech Engine's freeform dictation, rather than preset phrases like the commands, so you may find the recognition accuracy less than optimal.


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Not exactly sure what the requirements are, but this thread from the old VA Google group explains how to do simple confirmation (I guess I should move this over here lol) :!topic/voiceattack/rWyhE7Qyjco


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Hi Folks,

So far - I've just used the basic interface to "Key Press", "Pause", and "Say Phrases"...

I didn't know you could code scripts - is it a proprietary scripting language or is it using something else ?

Thanks for the link - checking that link as well...

Much appreciated...

« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 06:24:12 AM by scottb613 »


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I didn't know you could code scripts - is it a proprietary scripting language or is it using something else ?
They're not scripts per-se, in that you can't trigger events from within tokens. Tokens can transform data in many useful ways, but it's limited to providing text output only. You use tokens in actions to set variables or influence control flow based on that output.

Look in the documentation under "Text (and Text-To-Speech) Tokens" for a list of possibilities.


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Thanks Pfiel - will do...
