The simple way:
Start Loop While : [{EXP:1=1}] Equals '1'
Begin Text Compare : [{TIMEHOUR24}:{TIMEMINUTE}] Equals '00:06'
Write '[Purple] {TIME}{TIMEAMPM}' to log
End Condition
Pause 60 seconds
End Loop
It'll check the time every 60 seconds, and execute whatever's inside the condition at that time. Because it waits 60 seconds, it also shouldn't execute the same thing multiple times within the same minute.
I'd started putting together a Cron-like command where it'd wait the amount of seconds until the next execution, but dealing with time manually is a pain in the rear.
Try it if you'd like, but I give no guarantees to it working properly:
Set small int (condition) [TriggerHour] value to 05
Set small int (condition) [TriggerMinute] value to 00
Start Loop While : [{EXP:1=1}] Equals '1'
Set decimal [TimeToWait] value to 0
Begin Text Compare : [{SMALL:TriggerHour}] Does Not Equal '{TIMEHOUR24}'
Begin Text Compare : [{EXP: {TIMEHOUR24} < {SMALL:TriggerHour}}] Equals '1'
Set decimal [TimeToWait] value to the converted value of {EXP: ({SMALL:TriggerHour} - {TIMEHOUR24}) * 3600}
Set decimal [TimeToWait] value to the converted value of {EXP: ((24 - {TIMEHOUR24}) + {SMALL:TriggerHour}) * 3600}
End Condition
End Condition
Begin Text Compare : [{SMALL:TriggerMinute}] Does Not Equal '{TIMEMINUTE}'
Begin Text Compare : [{EXP: {TIMEMINUTE} < {SMALL:TriggerMinute}}] Equals '1'
Set decimal [TimeToWait] to [TimeToWait] plus [{EXP: ({SMALL:TriggerMinute} - {TIMEMINUTE}) * 60}]
Set decimal [TimeToWait] to [TimeToWait] plus [{EXP: ((60 - {TIMEMINUTE}) + {SMALL:TriggerMinute}) * 60}]
End Condition
Begin Decimal Compare : [TimeToWait] Is Less Than Or Equals 0
Set decimal [TimeToWait] to [TimeToWait] plus 86400,00000
End Condition
End Condition
Pause a variable number of seconds [TimeToWait]
Play sound, 'C:\Windows\Media\Windows Logon Sound.wav'
Pause 60 seconds
Write '[Purple] Recalculation wait time' to log
End Loop
I think it may have issues with negative time, but I'm not sure. I've given up.
Frankly, you could just use the Windows Task Scheduler, which is intended for long-term stuff like this.