Author Topic: Announcing VoiceAttack Version 2  (Read 1755 times)


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Announcing VoiceAttack Version 2
« on: March 09, 2025, 05:51:29 PM »
Announcing VoiceAttack Version 2

After many, many requests and probably the longest build cycle to date for VoiceAttack, the time has come to announce the upcoming arrival of VoiceAttack version 2.  There have been a lot of questions regarding this release, and below are just a few frequent ones:

Why a new version?
VoiceAttack version 1 is written using .net framework 4.8.  .Net framework 4.8 is a great, solid and Microsoft-supported framework that will remain available for years to come.  However, Microsoft is no longer extending that framework, and have not extended it for some time.  Since VoiceAttack allows plugins and inline functions to be compiled using the underlying framework, plugin and inline function development (as well as the VoiceAttack application itself) would remain suspended using a framework that hasn't received updates in several years.  Moving to an updated framework will allow VoiceAttack and any plugins/inline functions to do more, and do it more efficiently.

You may be asking, 'Why not just upgrade to the newest framework?'  Well, simply put, just updating VoiceAttack to the latest .net framework would make any existing runtime-compiled inline functions potentially not work without editing.  Plugins and pre-compiled inline functions would (probably) work just fine, however, runtime-compiled inline functions may not work out of the box.  Some of the more popular packs and other third-party add-ons use runtime-compiled inline functions to operate.  Automatically releasing a version of VoiceAttack with the latest .net framework would cause a significant number of users to not be able to use some of those add-ons.  This is why releasing version 2 of VoiceAttack has been held off for so long, and also the reason version 2 had to be built as a separate entity from version 1.

What's in the new version?
  • VoiceAttack version 2 has been updated to use .NET 8.  This is to make VoiceAttack work with current libraries, as well as provide the facilities for users to write their own plugins and inline functions using the latest versions of C# and  The hope is to future-proof VoiceAttack, and to make it somewhat faster to use.
  • Improved accessibility features over version 1.  This includes UI scaling that is independent of Windows' scaling, better navigation using the keyboard as well as an improved experience for screen readers.
  • New actions that can interact with virtual joysticks without the separate use of a plugin (vJoy currently supported).
  • Improved audio input controls and information.
  • Improved graphic settings including aforementioned scaling and borderless windows (for darker 'dark' modes).
  • Ongoing new feature development will occur primarily in version 2.  Now that two versions are no longer being worked on simultaneously, regular, new feature updates for VoiceAttack can now be resumed.
  • Lots more - it will be in the change log ;)

Is version 2 compatible with version 1?
Yes (with some caveats).  You will be able to export your VoiceAttack version 1 profiles, effect sets and command snippets and be able to import them into version 2.  Exporting version 2 profiles, effect sets and command snippets *may* work with version 1 if the elements being exported also exist in version 1.  Note also that any runtime-compiled inline functions may need some editing to work with version 2 (and vice versa).  On a side note, if you already have version 1, the first time you launch version 2 you will be prompted to copy your version 1 data files over to version 2.

When will VoiceAttack v2 be released?
The target date is Friday, March 14th.  This date may change due to certain factors (looking at you, Steam), but that is the current target date.

Will there be an upgrade option available?
Due to how Steam delivers applications, an upgrade option is not available.  Steam *does* allow refunds for version 1 up to two weeks after purchase.  If you are a Steam user, you should pursue this avenue.  For those that have purchased the standalone (website) version, if you had purchased VoiceAttack on or after March 1st, 2025, your registration key will be valid for VoiceAttack version 2.

Will there be a price increase?
For the time being, no.  Since no upgrade is available, the price will be kept the same for some time.  The Steam version will launch with a usual launch-day discount.  Pricing has not been set for future as of this writing.

What will happen to version 1?
VoiceAttack version 1 will continue to have critical bug updates (and possibly some feature updates) through October 2025.  After October 2025, updates will only occur as time permits.  Version 1 will continue to remain available from within Steam and the website.

Version 1 will also be available to anyone that has purchased version 2.  This will provide a way to continue to use VoiceAttack if you have a pack or plugin that just cannot work with version 2 (you can have both installed at the same time).  Both the standalone (website) and Steam variants of VoiceAttack version 1 will be available for download from the website:

A huge shout out to VoiceAttack's dedicated, supportive and completely beautiful team of beta testers - this project would not have been what it is without you guys - thank you.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2025, 09:53:47 AM by Gary »