I'm new to HDII and VA, but was enjoying both Friday. Saturday, VA recognized all my commands, but HDII didn't react to them. I found, read and addressed this seemingly on-point post to no avail:
https://forum.voiceattack.com/smf/index.php?topic=53.msg151#msg151. I've confirmed VA is opened as Admin. I've toggled between VA interacting with active window and HDII, specifically. I've not changed any settings in-game or in VA other than via this troubleshooting exercise.
Upon original, successful set-up and use, I had changed WASD to my arrow keys, made sure VA knew I modified those settings, have VA deliver inputs slowly, ensured the *ini was set to run, etc.
When I first got VA to be recognized in-game, the Stratagem menu would open but wouldn't activate the called-on Stratagem. I worked through that and it worked fine . . . again, Friday not yesterday.
Anyone have a similar experience or have any suggestions? Many thanks in advance!