If you specifically need the Quick Input feature, rather than pasting text using Ctrl-V (or Shift-Insert), you could essentially perform your own conversion.
This would make your profile (at least the commands that employ said conversion) specific to your keyboard layout, though that would mainly be relevant if you intend to share it with others (that don't use the same layout).
E.G. for the ÿ character, you could do this:
Set text [~input] to '{CLIP}' (Replace 'ÿ' with '[SHIFTDOWN][221][SHIFTUP]y')
Quick Input, '{TXT:~input}'
That instructs the Quick Input action to press Shift, press and release the ^¨ key, then release shift and press the "y" key.
Given that the "ÿ" character is apparently only used in Dutch and Afrikaans, I assumed you're using the Dutch keyboard layout.
If there are other characters that require this type of input, you can follow the same procedure I did:
Figure out the correct sequence of keys you would press physically
Use the "Quick Input, Variable Keypress and Hotkey Key Indicators" section of the documentation to find the relevant aliases for keys that have them (you could use numeric key codes for everything, but that's much less readable)
this website to find the virtual key code(s) for keys that don't have aliases
Add a "Set a Text Value" action that uses the "Another Variable" field to get the value of "~input", and uses the "Replace with" option to replace the character in question with the relevant sequence of keys, below the initial "Set a Text Value" action that gets the initial input (in case of the example, from the clipboard)
For characters that don't have a corresponding key, you'd need to use an Alt code instead, E.G. if you expect to use the "√" character, the command could look like
Set text [~input] to '{CLIP}' (Replace 'ÿ' with '[SHIFTDOWN][221][SHIFTUP]y')
Set text [~input] to [~input] (Replace '√' with '[ALTDOWN][NUM2][NUM5][NUM1][ALTUP]')
Quick Input, '{TXT:~input}'
(you need to specify numpad keys explicitly, as numbers are otherwise typed using the row of keys above the alphabetic keys, which do not work for Alt code input)
Alt codes can be found online (
this is the first search engine result; this is not intended as an endorsement)