You can use the output of the action, and a set of conditions, E.G.
Wait for spoken response: '[1..8]'
Begin Text Compare : [~response] Equals '1'
Press A key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '2'
Press B key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '3'
Press C key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '4'
Press D key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '5'
Press E key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '6'
Press F key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '7'
Press G key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
Else If Text Compare : [~response] Equals '8'
Press H key and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
End Condition
(in this example the "Text Variable" field of the "Wait For Spoken Response" action would have been set to "~response")