Ah thanks Pfeil. I thought the 'keyboard shortcuts off/on' was regarding using them while programming commands within VA. Yep, it's working in my test command in my 'basic' profile now thanks.
Is there a way to turn it on and off using voiceattack? I tried
// SetShortcutsEnabled(bool Value)
Begin Text Compare : [~passedText1] Equals 'on'
Set Boolean [SetShortcutsEnabled] to True
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = on' to log
Set Boolean [SetShortcutsEnabled] to False
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = off' to log
End Condition
using the following extract from the manual:
SetShortcutsEnabled(bool Value) - This function turns VoiceAttack’s keyboard shortcuts on and off. Passing a true value turns the shortcuts on, while passing a false value turns them off.
but it doesn't appear to turn them on or off despite the correct word getting to the code. I then read 'back' in the manual and this 'SetShortcutsEnabled' appears to be linked to the vaProxy.command thing so I tried:
Set Boolean [vaProxy.Command.SetShortcutsEnabled] to True
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = on' to log
Set Boolean [vaProxy.Command.SetShortcutsEnabled] to False
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = off' to log
but alas it did not do anything other than tell me on and off had been passed from the original spoken command as before. Then, having realised I'd gone way too far back in the manual (the correct section to read was on the same page as the SetShortcutsEnabled description
) I tried the updated code:
Set Boolean [vaProxy.State.SetShortcutsEnabled] to True
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = on' to log
Set Boolean [vaProxy.State.SetShortcutsEnabled] to False
Write [Orange] 'Passed text = off' to log
Yup still got the off or on from the log but still no action.
I would like them to be turned on when my game profile is activated as the game loads, and turned off again once I revert the profile back to the 'basic' profile.
If this can't be done it's OK, just so as I know.