Author Topic: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues  (Read 10205 times)


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ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« on: August 22, 2016, 02:32:21 PM »
I'm sure its been probably addressed before but i'm new to voice attack and the forum and need help

Im usinig Horizons 64 bit - and HCS Vega voice pack profile

Voice command are recognised but dont perform as they should in the game
for instance i can say
'Navigation' but it will bring up the contacts tab
say Contacts it will bring up one of the other tabs

i played around with the commands last night but didnt get anywhere
is this an issue with VA or ED?
is there a solution?

Cheers for any help
Cmdr InfiniteDreamer


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2016, 02:51:19 PM »
I'm pretty sure that's not a VA issue.

Those tabs are addressed by the Q and E keys and there's no way for the profile to know what tab you left off at (unless you structure some commands to do so), so when it opens (I'm pretty sure) it assumes you're at the Navigation tab and then tabs over 2 to Contacts, for example.  However, if you close the panel while you're at the Contacts tab, the next time you say "Contacts" you'll find yourself at the Inventory tab, because the profile thinks it's starting at the Navigation tab and goes over 2 tabs.

I solved this by sending the panel back to the first tab (be it the Target or System panel) when closing.

I ran into a multitude of other issues that i've solved, one-by-one.  For example, when you open either of the maps, Galaxy or System, it auto-closes the panels. If, again, you're not at the first tab, you will get odd behavior when you open the panel again.

You'll also run into issues if either of the panels is open and you: got to/drop out of hyperspace or supercruise (just before the jump or the drop, the panels will least they do for me), if you open the Comms panel..etc.

I think I've solved all the instances where the panel tab location can get screwed up, but that ended up making the panel commands my longest ones, in a relative sense.  I can go directly to any tab when the panels are closed without far.  :P

Anyway, I hope I didn't misunderstand your issue. But it sounds exactly what I thought when I first starting using VA with ED and used a pre-made profile.


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2016, 02:55:58 PM »
Hi - i'm still having problems with the panels opening on incorrect tabs
i'd appreciate it - if you could show me your command structure that makes it work properly and opens correct tab every time without having to resort to resetting / running diagnostics etc etc



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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2016, 06:33:29 PM »
I'll export just the panel commands out of my profile and upload it so you can "hack" it. :P

I warn you, it's not pretty.


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2016, 07:57:06 AM »
For the profile, there is a voice command that you run at the start when you load into the game.

((Normally bound to F3 or F4 key IIRC, one is for "In space" loading, the other is for "station loading"))

This sets up a load of variables (even the tabs). The downside is that currently ED reset the panel that you are on whenever you jump... which means that the panel tracking (which worked pre horizons) got broken. And as there is no method of automatically getting the status of panels directly from the game, the tracking (As a result) got broken.

Personally, I don't use the panel tracking, as I learnt how to play "pre voice attack" usage, and can flick faster.


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2016, 02:01:26 PM »
I'll export just the panel commands out of my profile and upload it so you can "hack" it. :P

I warn you, it's not pretty.

I'll take functional over pretty  :P in regards to this anyway Lol


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2016, 02:16:52 PM »
I'll export just the panel commands out of my profile and upload it so you can "hack" it. :P

I warn you, it's not pretty.

have you done this yet ? - where can i find them ?


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Re: ED Left & Right Panel Tab issues
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2016, 09:03:08 PM »
OK, sorry it took so long.  I had to clean it up a bit to work outside of my profile. 

You could possibly run into some issues, but I think it's good.

There's a "((Panels Variables))" command that doesn't actually do anything.  You need set that command to run at profile startup or, if you already have a command running at startup, copy the contents to that command.  It just sets up some one-time variables.  I prefer to set them up once at startup, instead of including them in a command to be executed every single time you call the command.

One thing to look out for is that, currently, there is an "Inventory" tab in both panels.  So if both panels are closed and you say "Inventory", you'll be asked which panel you want to open.  You have 2 seconds (which really is plenty of time) to answer either "Target Panel" or "System Panel".  If you don't specify, or if your answer is not "understood", you'll get a prompt saying "Command aborted".

Lastly, this will only solve the conflicts between the panels themselves.  As I mentioned before, you have to address several other things that screw with the panels: opening either the galaxy or system map, opening the comms panel, jumping to supercruise/hyperspace and a couple of others I can't think of right now.

Let me know if you have any questions.