You can try using AutoHotKey to show the window for you. I use it for things that VA has trouble with.
Here's the command for it.
IFWinExist, mIRC Twitch Chat Bot - [#eggfriedcheese*
sleep 300
#IfWinActive, mIRC Twitch Chat Bot - [#eggfriedcheese*
winmaximize, A
Now, I don't know if that's the exact title window name or not that works for you, and if the * is a wildcard, because the name changes all the time, that might be issue.
If you don't know AHK, just download the software, and just create a txt file with notepad, and save the file with extension .ahk, not txt. Then you can just double click the file, and it will run, which should show the window if it's correct.
In VA, instead of running the show command. Run the .ahk file you just created.
Anyway, I hope it might help in someway.