I was checking those settings, assuming that was the issue, and on my machine v1.8.3.9 (just the version I happened to be running at the time, presumably no real significance as from that) did have the issue. None of the sound dropdowns showed any options but "Default".
Restarting VoiceAttack did not change this, however removing the config file and letting VoiceAttack start in trial mode did.
Yet, going back to the config file that had the issue does not make the issue reappear.
How are you starting VoiceAttack?
If you encounter the issue again, could you run this inline function (create a new command, click "Other >", "Execute an Inline Function", "C# Code"; Replace the existing contents and click "Test Run", then check the log to see what the output is):
using System.IO;
public class VAInline
public void main()
If I force the working directory to something other than the installation directory (E.G. using 'start "C:\Program Files (x86)\VoiceAttack\VoiceAttack.exe" -wo c:\' in powershell), I can reproduce the issue (as VASoundResource.dll is apparently loaded using a relative path).
I'd also try disabling plugin support, if you have it enabled.
One more question: Are you running Ivona text-to-speech voices?
Ivona voices are known to change the working directory, and if I have a TTS action that executes on startup, the sounds are indeed not available.