Running into a odd problem with the Shift button being held, without any commands even being in the profile at all.
I've been playing a game called, PC Building Simulator, I did have a tiny profile for it, but after a period of time, I would find that the Shift button was being held, which prevented me from typing in numbers and other things. None of my commands was suppose to Hold the Shift button either.
I started going through my profile looking for anything that would cause this problem, and nothing. I don't have commands from other profiles loading either.
So, I decided to just wipe out all the commands in the profile, so it's just blank when I play the game. I thought that solved the problem, till I realized, it was still doing it. With zero commands being used.
Now, how do I know it's Voiceattack holding Shift, because the moment I hit Stop in Voiceattack, Shift becomes unstuck. Unless, VA is sending out a Release Shift command across the system, then I'm wrong.
If I just Close VA, I no longer have this problem.
My question is, do you have any idea why, with just this game, it would start Holding Shift?