Author Topic: How-to page contains outdated information  (Read 2680 times)


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How-to page contains outdated information
« on: February 17, 2019, 12:18:28 AM » contains some information which I believe no longer applies to most users:

The "Commands are recognized, but nothing is happening in my game", and "Handle tricky game input (Send key presses to DirectX games, delays, modifiers, etc.)" sections still refer to manually changing input modes between "DirectX" and "Standard".

"Export a profile"
Select a profile from your profile list.
Click on the 'Export' button.

"Import a profile"
Select the 'Import Profile' item in the profile list.

These options have been moved to the context menu of the button.

The "Train your speech engine" and "Add a phrase to your speech engine" sections state:
To train your speech engine :
Click 'Start' and then 'Control Panel'. If you cannot see the, 'Speech Recognition' item, click on the 'View' list and select either, 'large icons' or 'small icons'.
Click on, 'Speech Recognition'.

While this applied to Windows 7(not sure about 8 ), in Windows 10 there is no "Control Panel" item to click on directly(only the "Settings" app).

For Windows 10, you can search for "Speech Recognition", however there is an identically named item in the Settings app.
The correct one does say "Control Panel" if it appears as the top item, but otherwise the differentiating property is that one looks like an old-fashioned microphone, and the other like a smartphone being dunked into a glass.

There is the option of using the "Utilities >" menu of the "Recognition" tab, though that's buried a little deeper.

"Use mouse buttons to start/stop listening"
From the VoiceAttack main screen, click on the 'options' button.
Drop down the 'Mouse Click Global Hotkey' list.

This option has been moved to the "Hotkeys" tab, and renamed "Mouse Click Recognition".

"Increase the recognition delay"
Click on, 'Options' from the main screen.
Increase the value in, 'Recognition Delay'.

This option has been moved to the "Recognition" tab, and renamed "Recognized Speech Delay"(I think that's what this is referring to).

"Nest commands"
Click the 'Other' button on the Add or Edit Command screen.
Chose the option, 'Execute another command'.

This option has been moved to the "VoiceAttack Action" submenu.

I believe "Chose" is a typo.

"Receive audible feedback"
VoiceAttack provides two ways to get audible feedback: Via playing a .wav file or through Text to Speech.

If you want to spice up your gameplay or just have confirmation of a started or completed command, just click on the 'Other' button on the Add or Edit Command screen. Choose either the, 'Play a sound file' option or the 'Say the following using Text to Speech' option. Click the, 'OK' button and you now have audible feedback in your sequence :)

VoiceAttack can now play a number of audio file types.

The "Play a sound file" and "Say the following using Text to Speech" have been moved to the "Sounds" submenu, and renamed "Play a Sound" and "Say Something with Text-To-Speech".

The "Play a Random Sound" action is not mentioned; It may not have existed at the time, or has been left out for the sake of simplicity.

"Launch and kill other programs"
Click on the, 'Other' button to bring up the, 'Other Stuff' screen.
Select the, 'Run an application' option.
Click on the, 'Other' button to bring up the, 'Other Stuff' screen.
Select the, 'Stop a process by name' option.

The "Other Stuff" window is no longer available; Both options have been moved to the "Windows" submenu.

"Keep certain unrecognized words from showing up in your log"
Edit your profile and click, 'New' to bring up the Add Command screen.
This button is now captioned "New Command".

Click on the, 'Other' button to bring up the, 'Other Stuff' screen.
Select the, 'Ignore Command' option. Click, 'OK'.
The "Other Stuff" window is no longer available; This option has been moved to the "VoiceAttack Action" submenu and renamed "Ignore an Unrecognized Word or Phrase".

Click, 'OK' again and then the, 'Done' key.
"Done" seems to refer to the button in the bottom-right of the "Edit a Profile" window; Referring to it as a "key" may be confusing.

"Import commands from a profile"
Select a profile to receive the imported commands.
Click the 'Edit' button to the right.

"Use mouse buttons to start/stop listening"
From the VoiceAttack main screen, click on the 'options' button.

"Change profiles with a voice command"
From the VoiceAttack main screen, click the 'Edit' button.

"Increase the recognition delay"
Click on, 'Options' from the main screen.

This information is still relevant, but perhaps it would be improved by adding visual representations of these buttons to make it clearer what the user should be looking for(unless you plan to replace the icons with text, still).