I use a MOTU 828 firewire device for my audio. This device is a recording interface that gives me multiple ins and outs, and allows me to send the audio to different stereo pairs.
Generally this works.
Lately I seem to be having an issue with VA using the correct device for output.
I have 4 devices listed for output by name:
MOTU 3/4 (Main, gaming) (this would be system default device)
MOTU 5/6 (TS/Discord)
As you can see Voice attack is supposed to be coming out of MOTU 7/8, which is NOT the default device. When I first start up my computer and open VA it is defaulting to the MOTU 3/4 (Main, gaming). I go into to the AUDIO tab and Override default playback device is set to MOTU 7/8 (VA/SRA), where I want it, as is Override default txt to speech device. VA is still playing through the MOTU 3/4 (Main, gaming).
I see the option to set the Windows audio dive on startup, and that is NOT selected, although i could. When I select that, VA does come out of the correct speaker, but the reassignment messes up another piece of software. So, I'd rather not use the Set Windows Default on startup if possible.
Am I missing something to make VA come out of one device without it having to be the default device?