Author Topic: "saying" a "saved" word  (Read 3334 times)


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"saying" a "saved" word
« on: June 16, 2018, 03:25:58 PM »
Sorry about the Subject title. I can't think of another way to describe it...

OK.. My question, and I will use fruit as an example

I want to set {FRUIT}= APPLE
I want to set {FRUIT}= BANANA
I want to set {FRUIT}= MANGO

VoiceAttack action.. "say something with "text to speech"...

Say " I would like a {FRUIT}

I hope this makes sense??


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Re: "saying" a "saved" word
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2018, 03:51:58 PM »
From your example it's not quite clear how you want to set this value and where you want to use it, but if you want to set a value with one spoken command, and retrieve it with another, something like this would work:

I want to set fruit equals [apple;banana;mango]
Code: [Select]
Set Text [FRUIT] to '{CMDSEGMENT:1}'

Which fruit would you like
Code: [Select]
Say, 'I would like a {TXT:FRUIT}'

There is a manual available detailing how the actions work, and which tokens are available; Press F1 while VoiceAttack has focus to open it.


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Re: "saying" a "saved" word
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2018, 02:28:38 PM »
Hi  Pfeil

Thanks for the reply.. Here is some more INFO to hopefully make it clearer...

Again, I will use Fruits as an example...

FIRST Pick a random fruit, using Random Interger ( THIS PART IS EASY )

IF 1 then [FRUIT]="APPLE"
IF 2 then [FRUIT]="BANANA"
IF 3 then [FRUIT]="ORANGE"
IF 5 then [FRUIT]="FISH ( OK, not a fruit LOL)

SO, random number is 3 .... so voiceAttack action.. "say something with "text to speech"...
Say " I would like a [FRUIT] 
Would say this.. I would like a ORANGE

SO, random number is 5 .... so voiceAttack action.. "say something with "text to speech"...
Say " I would like a [FRUIT] 
Would say this.. I would like a FISH

I am NOT saying the word into the Microphone (THE MICROPHONE is NOT used al all in this )



Does this help??

voiceAttack action.. "say something with "text to speech"...


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Re: "saying" a "saved" word
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2018, 04:24:06 PM »
It looks like you have all the components in your pseudocode already, practically it would look like this in VoiceAttack:
Code: [Select]
Set integer [rand] value as random from 1 to 5
Begin Integer Compare : [rand] Equals 1
    Set Text [FRUIT] to 'APPLE'
Else If Integer Compare : [rand] Equals 2
    Set Text [FRUIT] to 'BANANA'
Else If Integer Compare : [rand] Equals 3
    Set Text [FRUIT] to 'ORANGE'
Else If Integer Compare : [rand] Equals 4
    Set Text [FRUIT] to 'STRAWBERRY'
Else If Integer Compare : [rand] Equals 5
    Set Text [FRUIT] to 'FISH'
End Condition
Say, 'I would like a {TXT:FRUIT}'


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Re: "saying" a "saved" word
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2018, 12:54:18 PM »
OMG … Many thanks. I can not believe how close I was to actually getting it done all by myself.
I think I ended up with "tunnel vision" and could not see the wood for the trees LOL

So close but so far...  Many thanks

Time to RTFM  :P