Author Topic: Command testing feature(s)  (Read 2904 times)


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Command testing feature(s)
« on: March 20, 2018, 09:02:46 PM »
Recently the option to apply changes to a profile without closing the "Edit a Profile" window was added, I use this quite often as it saves on both physical input and the waiting time of closing and reopening the window.

If feasible, I would like to have a similar option for the "Edit a Command" window.

In my mind this would be a button to test the command, which disables all input to the actual "Edit a Command" window, and runs the command.

Disabling input(so a command cannot be edited while it is running) could be done by disabling all the controls on the form, and/or by popping up a "Command running..." dialog, to make it very clear why input is disabled(though that does run the risk of stealing focus if the command target setting switches window focus as it runs).

There could also be a "Stop" button to either stop the individual command, or if more practical to implement all commands(making it a copy of the button on the main window, which cannot be clicked if any other windows are open).
I feel it'd be more obvious than just relying on the hotkey when things don't quite run as expected.

This could either be on the "Command running..." dialog, or replace the "Test" button(if disabling the control on the form instead).

A handy feature to extend the functionality would be "When I say" emulation. This would be a textbox that works like the "Execute by name (Advanced)" option of the "Execute Another Command" in that it passes a command phrase to the "{CMD}" and "{CMDSEGMENT:}" tokens.
This latter does mean phrase variations would have to be generated and checked before the command can execute(overhead may be prohibitive here, of course).

It would functionally emulate the Visual Studio feature of passing command line parameters when debugging console applications.

Another extension of this would incorporate the aforementioned "Apply" feature, where the profile can be saved without closing all the windows first.
This could be an autosave feature, where the option can be set to save a command before running it, or just a literal "Apply" button(or even both).

I'd like that mainly because, rarely, I've had VoiceAttack crash and take my changes with it(To be fair I do poke and prod at VoiceAttack's internals at times, so it's usually not VoiceAttack's fault ::)).

EDIT: Additional feature that would come in handy while testing a command:

A "Step" system, which would execute an action, then either wait for input(a button on the GUI and/or a keyboard shortcut perhaps) or add a user-set delay(pause) before proceeding to the next action in the command.

This would allow verification of the command structure, independent of timing, without having to add Pause actions that need to be removed again.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 03:26:18 AM by Pfeil »