Disregard my initial response, while your command would normally indicate a keypress every time you pressed a key because the loop is set up in such a way that the command progresses only when a key is pressed, it does appear the detection can "lag" at times and show a key as pressed when it has already been released.
When the command is triggered by a key, that keypress doesn't show up for me, however, if you press multiple keys in rapid succession(well within 1000ms), once the loop starts it will still detect those keypresses despite the keys long being released.
- Set the command up to be triggered by pressing "N"
- Quickly press "N", "B", and "V"
- Note that "key pressed" appears in the log twice, despite the keys not remaining pressed
This seems to work up to many keypresses. Even increasing the command's loop limit to 10 will show 10 keypresses if pressed before the pause expires and the loop starts.
This is something for Gary to look into.
EDIT: This also happens when "Do not allow key to be passed through" is not checked, and when "Shortcut is invoked only when all keys are released" is checked, or both are checked.