Author Topic: Xcom2 LW2 profile using Grimy's Hotkeys  (Read 4705 times)


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Xcom2 LW2 profile using Grimy's Hotkeys
« on: July 02, 2017, 06:51:19 PM »
you MUST have LW2 & Grimy's Hotkeys mod in order to use this profile!

first things first

1.install Grimy's Hotkeys mod from steam workshop

2.override the original config files with my config files Xcominput & XcomMoreHotkeys
in the mods config folder its located in

3.delete the XComEngine ini in the Username\Documents\my games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config to refresh your game
(do it every time you change your hotkey settings)

4.load my profile and enjoy!


if you don't have LW2 installed, you will have to tweak some ini files in the Xcominput and some of my commands

you can change the keybind for the game in Xcominput
« Last Edit: July 02, 2017, 08:30:19 PM by dingdong »