Yes, what I was trying to do was kill two birds with one stone.
If I recorded a captains log for system "Alpha" I wanted to set a text variable called "Alpha CAPTAINS LOG" with the date in it.
By checking If the variable "Alpha CAPTAINS LOG" existed in the saved profile, It would tell me:
1) Yes, I recorded a captains log for this system
Then I could pull the date it was recorded from the same variable.
I tried the {TXT:{TXT:System name} CAPTAINS LOG} approach also, and couldn't get that work when evaluating either.
When the {TXT:System name} changed, say to "beta" the {TXT:{TXT:System name} CAPTAINS LOG} still evaluated as "set"
Actually, if {TXT:System name} is set to anything, {TXT:{TXT:System name} CAPTAINS LOG} always evaluates as [SET].
Which surprises me because just before evaluating I implicitly set {TXT:{TXT:System name} CAPTAINS LOG} to [Not Set]
(I've attached the command written this way, to this message)
I'm starting to suspect it's a bug in the way Begin Text Compare handles tokens. As evidenced by the output of:
19:28:10 - Program thinks Not set - **Has** been set. in the log of the attached command.