Author Topic: Pax Dei  (Read 518 times)


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Pax Dei
« on: August 06, 2024, 02:07:23 AM »
Pax Dei profile
On profile start, the set options command will automatically run and prompt you to set log verbosity level.
0 = shows everything, 1 = hides spammy messages, 2 = hides everything (note this mainly applies to the gather command at the moment but I plan to add it to everything)
The next input box is to set whether you wish to automatically send emotes or not. 0 = manual, 1 = auto (applies to greetings/goodbye command)
If you wish to change any of these settings you may say: set options
Lastly, this command also loads all stored values for cast command.

[view;set] slot [1..5]
This set of commands is for setting the spell slots for casting/queuing spells for use with: cast [1..5] [2..5;]
If you say: "set slot X" (X = the number of the spell slot you wish to set 1-5 left to right) It will present an input box with a dropdown with a list all available magic spells.
These values will be stored and will only be needed to be set again if you put a different spell in that slot in game.
(note: only Pilgrim's fire, Radiant mend, and Mesmerize are currently implemented)
You may also say: "view slot X" to display in the log which spell is assigned to said slot number.

If you wish to help me finish this for all spells then I will need you to provide the cast time for any other spells. (The cast time is the time that it takes to cast the spell and not the cooldown)

a simple command to keep the right mouse button down indefinitely (for use with grinding shield block skill)

cast [1..5] [2..5;]
This command is for queuing up spells (defined with the "[view;set] slot [1..5]" command)
assuming you have set "Pilgrim's fire" in slot1 (in game) and having said: "set slot 1" + selected "Pilgrims fire" from the dropdown:
Then you would say: "cast 1" (since this spell is targeted you will have the option to cast it or cancel it)
When you click the left mouse button it will complete the cast or if you click the right mouse button it will cancel it.
Left click also starts the internal timer for cast time+cooldown of said spell (if a non targeted/AOE spell is casted this timer starts from the moment the spell finishes casting)
(don't be blocking with a shield when you fire off a spell or it will perform a shield slam)

As for queuing spells you may either say: "cast x" multiple times or simply say: "cast x x"
The second x can be a value of 2-5 which will queue up to 5 of whichever spell slot was spoken.

a simple command for mining and chopping trees
when you move via "wasd" it will release the left mouse button.
now also cancels out the slowdown after chopping/mining by activating shift for .5 sec  when you walk in any direction

This command spams the gather button "E" until you speak: "cancel" or push the physical "E" key.
While moving forward via "W" gathering is suspended. After you let go of "W" it will resume.

[auto;] [sprint;run] [1..4;]
This command is for managing stamina while running by automatically cycling "LSHIFT"
If you say: "sprint" or "run" it will hold down the shift key for 5 seconds and then release it for 7 then repeat the process indefinitely.
This is suitable while you have no food/drink buffs.
To stop push the left or right mouse button (I recommend right since you won't swing your weapon or fist)
If you want to run for longer bursts eat+drink items with more stamina and then say: "run or "sprint" "X" (X = the number you wish to multiply the initial 5/7 second values by)
(note: when you use a length multiplier it is stored temporarily until you change it or close voice attack)
Optionally, you can say: "auto" + "sprint" or "run" (with or without a multiplier) and it will also hold the "W" key down as well for you.

[greetings;goodbye] [party;clan;]
This is mainly for RP servers
If you say: "greetings" or "goodbye" a random greeting or goodbye message will be typed into local /say chat.
If you say: "greetings" or "goodbye" followed by "clan" or party" one of those random messages will be typed into clan or party
Greeting messages: Hail fellow;Hail fellow, well met!;May the Divine bless thee;Good morrow;Well met!;By my troth;How sayest thou?;Hail be thou?
Goodbye messages: Adieu;Safe Travels!;May ye be thine blessed!;Fare thee well!;Godspeed.
(These now check for capslock and turn off it off if toggled on)

Future updates will include the ability to automatically swap gear while using the cast [1..5] [2..5;] command.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 02:33:21 PM by ikkuranus »