Author Topic: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode  (Read 5492 times)


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Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:04:49 AM »
OK, I have a feeling that this request is outside of the scope of what VA is for, but here goes.

An "Advanced mode".  What I mean by this is the point and click interface for building commands is awesome, very easy to use, and you can do some pretty cool things with it.  But it's not without limitations.

What I propose is a "scripting mode".  Instead of the PaC interface, creating a new command via scripting just opens a text box.  Within, the more programatically inclined among us can create our commands using some kind of scripting language.

Look at how RPG Maker MV implements it.  You can create an awesome game using nothing but the map editor and database.  BUT, if you want to go all out, pop open the Script window and go to Javascript town on your game.

This feature might make it easier to implement more advanced requested features, such as arrays, multi-condition If statements, Select Case, and the like.  Features the average user would probably never use, but advanced users are biting at the bit for.  This way would also make it easier by not having to figure out the best way to create a GUI for the new feature, just implement it in scripting mode and if the unwashed masses decide they do want it, then add a PaC version of the feature.

I LOVE VA, been using it since I got Elite:Dangerous (especially with EDDI), but some stuff (lack of arrays, having to use nested Ifs when comparing against multiple criteria, the painfully small "Write text to file" edit box) kinda puts a cramp in the ol' creative juice organ.  Just my 2 cents, thanks!!!


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Re: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2016, 12:43:58 PM »
Funny you should ask that, because what will come later this week (hopefully) will be what will be tentatively called, 'Inline Functions'.  You can choose to write code in C# or with access to the VoiceAttack proxy object (get/set variables, execute commands, etc...  like you do with plugins).  When called, the functions will be compiled and/or executed with the option to retain the instance between calls.  It will come with a *very* basic editor, but will let you test compile and test run.  It's one of those things that is highly experimental and will be labeled, 'unsupported' until I know more about the direction I want to take it in (I don't want it to derail other VA stuff in progress).  It will be available for those who want to tinker or make something a little more complicated but not have to make a whole plugin.

PS - You can create simulated, 'arrays'.  There's another post on it somewhere in here.  I'll put a note down for expanding the 'write to file' box.  I've toyed with different visual ways to incorporate compound condition statements, but each would be a large undertaking (it's easier to add what I just described than to do that lol... plus, I'm going to say more than 90% of VA users don't even use conditional statements in what they do).  The {EXP:} token is there to kind of help with that, but, yeah... it's a little cumbersome.


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Re: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2016, 12:50:39 PM »
Well, gee, looks like I'm gonna have to break down and do that C# Lynda course I've been putting off!  Thanks for the hard work!


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Re: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2016, 05:22:39 AM »
It will come with a *very* basic editor, but will let you test compile and test run.
Speaking of.... I was toying the other month with this free component, which is quite nice for these kind of things
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Re: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2016, 09:24:01 AM »
Thanks for that.  I saw that one and a couple others, but decided to go the Scintilla route as that will open up some possibilities later (code completion and stuff like that).  It in itself is not basic, but I said it was, 'basic' because I haven't done much configuration on it yet and it's just in its basic form (that will take some time to make it just right) :)

Getting close to an initial release.  I have to run it through some threading scenarios before I hand it over.  I actually had you in mind when I built this :)


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Re: Advanced (possibly too advanced) mode
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2016, 02:47:46 AM »
Wanted to thank you for VA, specifically the "Write text to file" command update.  Saw the inline function command, haven't really sat down and played with it yet (I'm VERY rusty with and haven't delved into C# at all  ;D).  Keep up the good work!!!