seems to work fine, however I found a major drawback with the vaProxy.
To ease the use of my plugin, users where giving names of values to query from my app in the decimals-Dictionary.
The plugin then just looped through all the dictionary-keys and knew which values to query.
That's not possible anymore now
I tried if i can mix V4 and V3 , but that does not work. (V4 VA_Init1 , V3 VA_Invoke1) :
VA hard crashes with NullReferenceException after an obviously caught
AmbiguousMatchException: if plugin provides both V3 & V4 VA_Invoke1
TargetParameterCountException: If plugin provides V3 VA_Invoke1 but V4 VA_Init1
That's what you get for not using interfaces
I will have to think of a new way to pass on the values to my plugin (and making it more complicated to use). Checking all possible values is not an option ( over 15,000 )...