Author Topic: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile  (Read 21451 times)


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SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« on: October 10, 2017, 02:44:43 PM »

Speakeasy is a profile for the voice control software Voice Attack made by woofer and Alpha-Kilo. Both authors have several years of experience with voice control software for Arma 3. Woofer has published a profile for Voice Attack and made several videos which show how immersive voice control can be. Alpha-Kilo has experimented with all sorts of voice control software since 2009 and published profiles and key sheets for Voice Attack, Voice Activated Commands and Livrot Mic Command. They teamed up to create Speakeasy which is one of the most ambitious projects for voice control in Arma 3.
With Voice Attack and Speakeasy you can use your voice as an extra controller beside your keyboard, mouse, joystick etc. Speakeasy covers all commands of vanilla Arma 3 and a selection of popular modifications including ACE, TFAR, ACRE, Command & Control and more. All currently supported mods are listed in the key sheet which is in the Speakeasy package. You can also use Speakeasy to control your game-related hardware and software. Just say the word to take a screenshot, centre your TrackIR, or toggle your RealLight visual effects.
Speakeasy comes with several unique features:
  • Call your AI subordinates by their role instead of memorizing their numbers: "Grenadier, flank left!", "MG, open fire!"
  • Use auto-movement for long marches and hold a drink in your hand instead of keeping [W] pressed down forever.
  • Speak your chat messages into the mic instead of typing them.
  • Use Speakeasy as a voice recorder for a quick memo instead of typing or writing it down.
  • Use compound commands for standard situations such as attacking, retreating, preparing an ambush, etc. A single command is enough to order your squad into the right formation, stance, combat mode, let them select targets and engage the enemy or break contact and return to the player.
  • A set of templates makes it easy to add your own commands to the Speakeasy profile.
Speakeasy supports different international keyboard layouts and system languages. Out of the box the following keyboard layouts are supported:
  • Canadian (Fr) QWERTY
  • Canadian (ML) QWERTY
  • French AZERTY
  • German QWERTZ
  • Portuguese QWERTY
  • Spanish QWERTY
  • Swedish QWERTY
  • UK English QWERTY
  • US English QWERTY

You can speak your commands in English or German. Speakeasy can be translated to other languages, as well.
There is a training scenario that you can use to test and hone your skills for use with the Speakeasy profile. It is singleplayer and multiplayer ready. All players have access to Zeus. ACE3, TFAR and ACRE are supported but not required. You can recruit AI to build your own squad. A training compound is provided where enemies can be created dynamically on demand.
Speakeasy is highly customizable. You can add or delete commands and change the key configuration and spoken phrases of existing commands.
Speakeasy comes with an extensive key sheet that helps to keep track of all commands. Use it as the basis for a translation to any language that Microsoft supports or to list your individual changes to the commands. If you use a programmable controller the key sheet can be used to keep track of what each button does. You may also find the key sheet useful if you use other voice control software than Voice Attack.
For your convenience Speakeasy comes with its own Arma user profile. All settings and key configurations you need to test Speakeasy are already in place. So you don't have to mess around with your existing player profile.
Some figures: The key sheet lists roughly 900 commands. Approximately 600 of them can be spoken. For many of the spoken commands there are several phrases, thus the Speakeasy profile has more than 1000 entries.
The Speakeasy package contains:
  • Speakeasy manual (English)
  • Speakeasy key sheet (English and German)
  • Speakeasy Arma user profile (English and German)
  • Speakeasy Voice Attack profile (English and German)
  • Speakeasy training scenario (English)
  • Speakeasy audio files

Version 2.0:
More than a year after the original release Speakeasy 2.0 is now ready for download. These are the new features:
  • Fluid Commands finally allows you to speak naturally with your AI. There is no need for the typical robotic breaks in your commands any more. We achieve this with voice commands that include calling your unit or units and the instruction in the same command. This is a new level of controlling the AI. Try it!
  • Australian keyboard layout (with help from Benji and Rockapes)
  • Danish keyboard layout (with help from Prestien)
  • Norwegian keyboard layout
  • The new training scenario is eight times bigger than the old one. It offers more options to try commands from the vanilla game and the supported add-ons. The compound where you can practice combat against enemy AI is not only bigger but also more diverse and hopefully more interesting.
  • We added a Speakeasy training scenario readme which you should actually read.
  • We created several new custom voice commands which make your life as a player a bit easier.
  • Several commands of the vanilla game or supported mods have been changed since the last release of Speakeasy.
  • Version 2.0 of our profile and key sheet has been updated accordingly.
  • Version 2.0 lists almost three hundred new commands that can be spoken. The new Fluid Commands feature adds a few hundred thousand more but don't worry – Voice Attack can handle a profile of this size.

Download the latest version of the package:

Subscribe to the training scenario on Steam Workshop:
Discord link:
« Last Edit: December 25, 2018, 02:31:52 PM by Alpha-Kilo »
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2018, 08:16:26 AM »
More than a year after the original release Speakeasy 2.0 is almost ready. These are the most important changes:
  • The unique feature Fluid Commands finally allows you to speak naturally with your AI. There is no need for the typical robotic breaks in your commands any more. We achieve this with voice commands that include calling your unit or units and the instruction in the same command. This is a new level of controlling the AI.
  • We created a new training scenario which is eight times bigger than the old one. It offers more options to try commands from the vanilla game and the supported add-ons. The compound where you can practice combat against enemy AI is not only bigger but also more diverse and hopefully more interesting.
  • There are several new custom voice commands which make your life as a player a bit easier.
  • Version 2.0 lists almost three hundred new commands that can be spoken. The new Fluid Commands feature adds a few hundred thousand more but don't worry – Voice Attack can handle a profile of this size.
All new features are complete and have been thoroughly tested multiple times on different systems. Existing features have been checked and updated where necessary. A few more international keyboard layouts have been added. All that is left to do is to put all files into a downloadable package. As we are spending Christmas with our families we cannot give you an exact release date right now but it is just a matter of days.
Merry Christmas everybody!
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2018, 02:05:39 PM »
Speakeasy 2.0 is now ready for download. Find the link in the first post.
You will find the new training scenario in the download package. Those of you who subscribed to the old scenario on the Steam Workshop are kindly asked to subscribe again. We took down the old Workshop page and replaced it with a new one for the current version of our scenario. All existing subscriptions have been lost in the process.
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2018, 04:54:08 PM »
I don't know how all this flew under my radar - awesome :)


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2018, 10:32:05 AM »
Hello Alpha-Kilo,

i don't know if this is the right place to ask a question. So if not, please tell me where i can post my questions.

First of all, i want to thank you for your work and the nice Christmas present in the form of the new profile. The Speakeasy profile made playing Arma 3 much easier for me.

I just updated to voice attack 1.7.3 and SPEAKEASY Arma 3 v2.0 profile.

Now i have the problem, that many commands are not working in Arma 3. Voice attack recognizes the commands correctly, but they are not correctly translated into Arma 3 commands.

I'm using the German Speakeasy Profile 2.0.

So for example when i say "Links flankieren" (flank left), the "1-key" should be "pressed" in the game, then a pause should be generated (_keypressPause), the "1-key" should be released and another pause (_profilePause) should be inserted, after that the "4-key" should be "pressed", another pause (_keypressPause) follows and the "4-key" will be released again.

Press down 1 key
Pause a variable number of seconds [_keypressPause]
Release 1 key
Pause a variable number of seconds [_profilePause]
Press down 4 key
Pause a variable number of seconds [_keypressPause]
Release 4 key

But this doesn't work for me anymore. Only the first command seems to be executed (Press down 1 key). The movement menu comes up and the command stops. Only when i press the "4-key" manually the flanking command is executed.

When i edit the command to the following:

Press 1 key and hold for 0,2 seconds and release
Press 4 key and hold for 0,2 seconds and release

everything works fine.

So what is going wrong ?

As i don't want to edit every command in the profile, maybe tweaking that values can solve my problem for all commands.

Where are the pause variables defined (_keypressPause, _profilePause) ? 

Can you tell me where i can change and "finetune" the values, so it works again for me ? Or do i have another problem ?

I searched the forum and the internet for hints about the definition of variables used in commands in Voice Attack, but i didn't find anything.

I hope you can help me.

With regards


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2018, 11:33:49 AM »
I had a look around the profile; Those variables are set by "F_init"(the profile startup command) though "F_defaultSettings" and "F_loadSettings". The latter is supposed to load the saved values from the profile.

Chances are something is going wrong there. You could try running "F_profilePause" to set the pause values to their defaults, or "F_resetProfile" to clear all saved settings and start from scratch.


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2018, 01:33:57 PM »
Hello Pfeil,

thank you for your quick answer.

Your tip with the profile startup command "F_init" gave me  the helping hint.

Every time i started Voice Attack and didn't go right to Arma 3, "Windows" showed some weird behaviours.

Programs were opened, the Firefox-Header disappeared (F11) etc., because Voice Attack recognized the scratching of my microfone-cable on my shirt as commands. ;D

So i changed the target in Voice Attack from "Active Window" to "arma3_x64.exe".

When i looked at the log i saw, that "F_init" had lost focus on startup.

After changing the target back to "Active Window" everything worked again. So i think i have to wait changing the  target until initialization is through.

With your guidance in another post i was able to find the "F_init" and "F_loadSettings" skripts. But i still don't know, where the skripts get the values for the variables. All it says is:

Set decimal [_keypressPause] value to [Saved Value]

So where is that "Saved Value" ? Is there a good manual or howto where i can find some more information about setting variables in initialization skripts ?

With regards


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2018, 02:11:21 PM »
I'm not sure why the "Stop command if target window focus is lost" option is checked for that command, as neither it nor the commands it triggers send any input to anything.
I'd try unchecking it, so you can keep your window target set.

The saved values are stored in the profile database(VoiceAttack.dat). The only way to interact with them is to either retrieve or overwrite them using a "Set" action(they are not included when exporting a profile).

Setting variables is the same regardless of how a command is triggered; Variables in VoiceAttack don't require declaration beforehand, so whichever "Set" action runs first will create that respective variable in memory(if a variable hasn't been created yet, attempting to get its value will return "Not Set", the VoiceAttack equivalent of null).

There is a manual available, which you can quickly access by pressing F1 while VoiceAttack has focus(provided there aren't any commands blocking the keypress), or by right-clicking the title bar of VoiceAttack's main window and clicking "Help Document" in the context menu.


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2018, 07:22:11 AM »
@Pfeil, Thank you very much for taking the time to look into the profile and help Artie01!

@Artie01, If I understand your problem correctly the Speakeasy profile operates too fast for your system. Use slow mode by saying [Speakeasy langsam] if you use the German version. It will prevent Speakeasy from sending commands faster than the game can handle at your current FPS. You’ll find the command in the VoiceAttack category of the profile. I hope this helps.
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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2018, 08:48:54 AM »
@Alpha-Kilo, as i wrote, when i start VoiceAttack with focus set to "arma3_x64.exe" and Arma3 isn't running at that time, the flanking command and others don't work after starting Arma3, because VA reports a lost focus.

When i start VA (Target: "arma3_x64.exe") with Arma3 already running everyting is OK. If i set the VA focus to "Active Window" and start Arma3 after that (or before, doesn't matter in that case), everytihing works fine. So i don't think it's a timing problem with my system.

@Pfeil, i unchecked the "Stop command if target window focus is lost" option, as you proposed.

Now i can start VA with focus set to "arma3_x64.exe" without Arma3 already running without an error. Then i start Arma3 and everything works like a charm  :)

Thank you both for your help. Problem solved !


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2018, 01:57:34 PM »
@Artie, I am glad that you and Pfeil could solve the problem. Enjoy Arma 3 with voice control!
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2019, 03:19:27 AM »
I bought Voice Attack and tried to set up your speakeasy profile, but when VoiceAttack initiates it does not recognize my keyboard layout.

 - Keyboard layout not supported: United States-International (-268368877)

Is it possible to integrate this keyboard layout into the speakeasy profile?

Thnks in advance,


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2019, 04:26:08 AM »

Thanks for your posting. If you don't mind please join our Discord where most of the discussions about Speakeasy take place. The link is in the opening post.
SPEAKEASY - voice control for Arma 3:


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2019, 03:13:54 PM »
Hey Steven! Your specific keyboard layout code had not already been put into Speakeasy. It's now slated to get in there with the next release. For some reason there are several codes (such as -268368877) for the same physical keyboard layout. The only way for us to add them is for users to report them, so thank you for reporting it the way you did.

Since you are on a US keyboard, it should be a walk in the park to get the profile to work by simply enabling two rows in one of the commands.

Follow this instruction to get it working:

If you find that this didn't help, then it's likely so that you have a physical keyboard layout that doesn't match what I have documented. Please come back if you can if that is the case.


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2019, 12:32:19 PM »
Thanks a lot for the fast reply, have done the editing in your profile, will test it and report back lateron,
nicely done guys, it's appreciated


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2024, 09:38:50 AM »
Will there be a Speakeasy Arma Reforger profile?


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Re: SPEAKEASY Arma 3 profile
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2024, 02:29:25 AM »
Eventually there probably will be. I was waiting for squad command before it seemed worthwhile. I just haven't been able to really sit down with it since before Reforger 1.2.

No promises for a Speakeasy version in the near future, but it for sure is on my want-to-do.