I'm using a simple profile to read checklists and provide a few voice commands in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
It works well, reading checklist items from a text file (e.g., "Battery on") and waiting me to respond ("check") before moving on to the next item on the checklist.
I've programmed a few keystroke commands as well ("Gear down"), with response from VA ("Roger, gear down").
All good, until I get any voices from the in-game tower, ground, or ATIS.
So, if I request taxi for example, and the MSFS text-to-speech responds with "taxi and hold short runway two one", then after that I only hear the very tail end of checklist items from VA, or in some cases nothing at all ("Battery on" becomes "...on").
If I say "repeat," sometimes I'll get the full checklist item read back, but usually just the last tail end.
I ran a flight this morning with text-to-speech turned off in MSFS, and all checklist reads from VA were fine.
So, any text from MSFS seems to hose the checklist sequence. I tried both Azure and off-line options in MSFS. Some sort of conflict? Thanks for any help!