Hello friends. I have searched the forum for answers but am still seeking a solution. My issue is regarding sounds. I pick a sound to play back as global to know that VA has recognized my phrase and the action will occur. In preview mode, the sound will take my head off. I have an excellent sound volume—more volume than is needed. However, the sound is barely audible in normal use, even at 100% audio level. I have tried to run in an admin role, but the function is the same. I want to use a Wav file, but I am now testing with an embedded sound. The results are the same with either sound.
I finished a second install of VA, but the result is the same. I am missing something, but I am out of things to try.
I recently had to do an OS repair which necessitated a new install of VA. The sounds worked well before the OS change, to the best of my memory.
Steven Walker