Author Topic: Browser resizes on selection  (Read 6097 times)


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Browser resizes on selection
« on: September 07, 2016, 06:39:30 AM »
Hi all,

I have the following command:
When I say: select browser
     Display window '* - Google Chrome' as [Normal]

Also, in place of Normal, I have tried this with Show.

It sort of works. It resizes the window to cover the right half of the screen. Adding maximize window after makes it work, but why would Voice Attack resize the browser to begin with?

I am using Windows 8.1 and the latest version in the main stream.

Thank you,



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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 09:20:29 AM »
Would you be interested in uploading your profile here so I can take a look at it?  Just include the commands that are problematic and indicate the steps you took to recreate the problem.  Also, please indicate the expected results at each step and the result you received.  I will see if there is something amiss.  Thank you!


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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 11:00:17 AM »
Thanks, Gary!

What I am expecting:
- select the Google Chrome window even if it's minimized or another window is active (send this command to * - Google Chrome*)
- display the browser window at the front in whatever size it happened to be in last (Display window '* - Google Chrome' as Normal/Show). It could be either maximized or not maximized, but it should return to however it used to be.

What I experienced:
- select the Google Chrome window even if it's minimized or another window is active (send this command to * - Google Chrome*): WORKS
- display the browser window at the front in whatever size it happened to be in last (Display window '* - Google Chrome' as Normal/Show): Sizes it to unmaximized size, whether it was maximized or not.

I have a workaround that adds a maximize command, but this does not cover a scenario where the browser may not be maximized when it was hidden.

Thanks for your support!


PS: I am unable to upload the attachment. Here it is on pasted:


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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 01:10:12 PM »
The problem lies between the keyboard and the chair. Sorry, it had to do with how I set my Minimize Browser command. Before I knew that the window commands existed I had set it to minimize it using keyboard shortcuts (Window+down+down). This is what cleared the sizing state. All good!



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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2016, 01:25:27 PM »
Ok, cool.  I was suspicious that it was something else since those functions seem to work OK over here.

I'll look at the attachment upload thing and see if it has to do with the recent migration.

Edit:  Yup... looks like it's locked down.  I'll fix that up as soon as I get back.


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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2016, 02:26:33 PM »
I was having the same problem. Turns out, it was the icon to start my browser, you have to change it from normal to maximized.

Now it looks like the windows function Show now, shows the windows maximized, and doesn't reduce it to normal, forcing me to hit maximize again.

I actually had a program running, called autosizer, to automatically resize it back to maximize for me.

I thought it was VA doing it, when it was the dang icon that starts the browser. It never started in normal though, so, I never thought of it as being a possible problem. I just did a search on line, and found someone saying to check the icon. Jeez! All this time I've had this problem, and it was the dang icon...... :(


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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2016, 03:19:46 PM »
Test attachments...

Looks like it works again!


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Re: Browser resizes on selection
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2016, 03:40:26 PM »
Attachment test.

Edit: Works! You're more than 3 ounces of whoop-ass, buddy. I'd say you're at least a venti.