I'm writing a tool that captures and displays pressed keys and shows the associated commands for the current Elite Dangerous key bindings. It uses the same DefaultKeymap-file as my EDBindTool in the "Profile Uploads" section of this forum.
You can use it to see, if your VA profile generates the correct keys presses by selecting "KeyEventViewer" from the target dropdown in VoiceAttack. Eventually I will add mouse clicks too.
This is actually no VA plugin, so this topic is slightly displaced, but I did not find a more appropriate place.
Right now, the tool has no installer,. Just unpack the archive to a folder and start the EXE-file. Unpacking it to "Program files" or "Program files x86" may cause problems regarding the access rights, so avoid to install it there if you are not a Windows expert.
The attached version is a preview version barely tested and not feature complete. It display single key commands, but will most probably have problems with modifiers in key combos.