Author Topic: Need help with category commands  (Read 4257 times)


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Need help with category commands
« on: August 18, 2016, 09:45:43 PM »
Hi all - Gary as always, you continue to do outstanding work with va.

A recent update to the program is categories:

 Added, '{CATEGORY}' token to allow accessing category of command.  For composite commands, '{PREFIX_CATEGORY}'
      will get the category of the prefix, and '{SUFFIX_CATEGORY}' will get the category of the suffix.  If, '{CATEGORY}' is
      used on a composite command, the result will be the prefix category plus the suffix category, separated by a space.

For some reason, i just have not been able to get this to work for me. If i'm understanding it, (and using elite dangerous as a reference), i can create a set of commands and have them in a "docking' or "take-off" category. I could also take a list of sound files, and have them in a category such as "greetings", "salutations" etc.

The problem i'm having is that i have not been able to get this done with voice attack? I feel like i'm missing something pretty basic, but if anyone can give me a few pointers, (or a tutorial), or maybe a profle that uses the above category types as an example, that would help.

A few questions i had:
is there a limit to the number of categories in a profile?
do category names all have to be the same?
can a command call upon a category as input? (example if <spoken command> is "take us in" play ((docking)), but only for category = landing (rough draft idea there, but that is kinda what i'm aiming for..

ANY help (and hopefully a .vap profile) would be truly appreciated.
