Author Topic: WoW Profile  (Read 3999 times)


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WoW Profile
« on: June 23, 2021, 03:44:42 PM »
Hello.  This is my attempt at a WoW profile.

As a caveat, for another user, I would look at this as a basis to go off of.  Not an "end all, be all" that will automatically work with your game.  With the different versions of WoW.  Whether it be classic, retail, classic BC, not to mention the plethora of private servers, addons and other options and combinations thereof.  I just do not have anywhere close to the skill required to make this work with them all. This works for me in my game so I can keep my hands off the mouse and keyboard as much as I can.

However, feel free to use this and alter it to suite your needs. 

I hope you enjoy, and have fun. :)

As a side note to all of this, some notes about my personal game experience with using this profile. 
1. I can play WoW with a greater than 95% hands free experience. 
2. The movement controls take the most getting used to. Until I had memorized instictively how much my character turns with the turn commands, things like going up stairs or pathways, Night Elf tree houses, and the inside of open world dungeons was difficult. Learning to walk before learing to run definitly fits here.
3. Once you are used to the controls, navigation does get easier. However I still use a mixture of walking and running to get around.