I have recently found that some commands for SC are not working. I can get Cycle Target and Cycle Friendly Target to work but anything else within the Target tree of commands will not work. Also Open Comms doesnt work and I believe thats because CIG took Open Comms from Flight-HUD and is now under the tree for Social. Also anything having to do with Throttle/Thruster control does not work except for Cruise Control and FTL Drive. And any commands having to do with Camera View does not work other than Cycle Camera. Also Vtol commands dont work. Open/Close Doors wasnt working either but I found a work around for that by assigning it to a new keybind within SC Options being '
I would like to know has anyone figure out how to get these keybinds to work? Because I have tried everything "I" can think of. I understand that CIG keeps changing their minds about how their keybinds are set up which can be damn frustrating.
I am used to the only VoiceAttack setup in the early days when we could change the keybinds manually within VA, but now this interface is all new to me. Thanks for any help you guys can give.