VoiceAttack has no sense of what a 'keybind' is, other than the keys that it recognizes as hotkeys. The export will show the hotkey designation for each command - so, if you are pressing F7 to invoke a command, VoiceAttack will show F7 as the hotkey (labeled as, 'Keyboard Shortcut').
If you are referring to 'keybinds' as the keys that VoiceAttack presses to invoke something in another application, the keybinds actually relate ONLY to the target application. For instance, if your VoiceAttack command is pressing 'X' in Elite Dangerous, 'X' is an Elite Dangerous keybind, not a VoiceAttack keybind. VoiceAttack's action list will show this as, 'Press and release the 'X' key' or 'Press down X key', 'Pause 0.01' 'Release X key' or any number of action combinations. You can see what keys VoiceAttack is pressing by checking the aforementioned, 'Show Actions' option on export - however, that's going to probably show you a lot more than you want to know depending on what your commands are doing.
Hope that clears things up a bit.