Maybe I’m going crazy? I added a Subpac haptic speaker using a Bluetooth connection to my PC playing Elite Dangerous with a Rift S VR headset. First time I used it, all is well, getting bass responses on the Subpac, normal ED respnses on the Rift S headphones, and Voice Ataack audio on the Rift S headset. Something changed and I can’t figure out how to get the Voice Attack respnses to the headset with subpac still working? Responses are being routed over the Bluetooth connection instead of to the Rift S. If I change the audio in the Voice Attack settings, responses go to the headset but no longer get the bass responses on the Bluetooth connection. Thinking this is something basis and may not have explained this well enough but I know it worked once. Is there a way to make a change in Voice Attack so it only affects sound coming from Voice Attack? The microphone is fine, commands are accepted and executed, just no sound. Thanks in advance.