Author Topic: [v1.7.3] "Repeating" option radio buttons can't be set with keyboard correctly  (Read 1733 times)


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The "Repeating" option in the "Add/Edit a Command" window has a quirk, where it the "This command executes once" and "This command repeats continuously" options are not quite linked right to the "This command repeats times" option.

When tabbing through all the controls in the form, the former two options are grouped, so only the currently checked one will gain focus, however the latter option can also gain focus(even when it's not checked), as if it is not linked to the same group.

This also means that the former two options can be changed using the arrow keys, but the latter cannot be reached using this method, and if the latter has focus, the former two cannot be reached.

More importantly, when the latter control is checked, the former two cannot be reached using the keyboard, as tab will skip over them as well.

  • Click "This command executes once" (text or radio button, both will have the control be checked and gain focus)
  • Press the down arrow on the keyboard
  • The "This command repeats continuously" option will be checked and gain focus
  • Press the down arrow on the keyboard
  • Note that the "This command executes once" once again is checked/has focus, instead of the "This command repeats times" option
  • Click the "This command repeats times" option to check it
  • Press the up arrow on the keyboard
  • Note that focus has changed to the numericupdown control(this will happen with any direction arrow key)
  • Press Shift-Tab on the keyboard, focus is gained again by the "This command repeats times" option
  • Press Shift-Tab on the keyboard
  • Note that focus is now gained by the "Minimum confidence level" checkbox control, jumping over the other radio buttons in the "Repeating" section, effectively making them unreachable using the keyboard

This also applies to v1.7.3.5

EDIT: Fixed in v1.7.3.8
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 10:58:54 PM by Pfeil »


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Yeah - I've known about this one.  It's because the, 'repeats x times' radio button is not actually part of the group - it's in a separate flow panel for scaling.  Since the screen is now laid the way it is now, I can probably just move the numeric box down below the group and everything will work as expected.  Then again, this is a mostly underutilized feature for sure.

Edit - I've cinched the screen up a bit.  Seems a little better.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 09:08:24 PM by Gary »


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Better in v1.7.3.6, the "repeating" items are now linked.

However, the tab order for the "times" numericupdown is odd; It goes "Command Type" -> "Prefix/suffix group"(if enabled) -> "times"(if enabled) -> "Minimum confidence level" -> "Minimum confidence level" numericupdown(if enabled) -> "Repeating" -> "OK" button.

The tab order for form items in general is a little odd, with the restructuring of the form:
  • "When I say :" textbox(if enabled)
  • "When I say :" checkbox
  • "When I press keys :" checkbox
  • "When I press keys :" "..." button(if enabled)
  • "When I press button :" checkbox
  • "When I press button :" "..." button(if enabled)
  • "When I press mouse :" checkbox
  • "When I press mouse :" "..." button(if enabled)
  • "Key Press" button
  • "Mouse >" button
  • "Pause >" button
  • "Other >" button
  • "Recorder" button
  • The action list
  • "Up" button(if enabled)
  • "Down" button(if enabled)
  • "Edit" button(if enabled)
  • "Delete" button(if enabled)
  • "Undo" button(if enabled)
  • "Redo" button(if enabled)
  • "Description" textbox
  • "Allow other commands to execute while this one is running" checkbox
  • "Category" combobox
  • "Stop command if target window focus is lost" checkbox
  • "Resume command if focus is regained" checkbox(if enabled)
  • "Send command to this target :" checkbox
  • "Recognition" combobox
  • "Command Type" radio buttons
  • "Prefix/suffix group" combobox(if enabled)
  • "times" combobox(if enabled)
  • "Send command to this target" radio buttons(if enabled)
  • "Send command to this target" textbox(if enabled)
  • "Minimum confidence level" checkbox
  • "Minimum confidence level" numericupdown(if enabled)
  • "Repeating" radio buttons
  • "OK" button
  • "Cancel" button

The issues, summarized:
Tabbing between certain controls that used to be underneath each other now jumps from side to side on the form(21, 22, 23, 24, 26)

Some child controls are not selected directly after their parents(30, 31, 32)

Also, the "..." buttons(4, 6, 8) are initially disabled, and enabled when assigned a shortcut.
However, when the "Command Type" radio buttons are set to anything but "Full command", they are disabled(which is intended), but when changing back to "Full command", they are all enabled, regardless of whether they have a shortcut assigned.

If after that an assigned(either before or after toggling the "Command Type" option) shortcut is removed, that "..." button is disabled again.

In practice this doesn't cause issues, as assigning a shortcut will also check the relevant option(E.G. clicking "..." and assigning a mouse button will also check the "When I press mouse :" checkbox).


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Also, the "..." buttons(4, 6, 8) are initially disabled, and enabled when assigned a shortcut.
However, when the "Command Type" radio buttons are set to anything but "Full command", they are disabled(which is intended), but when changing back to "Full command", they are all enabled, regardless of whether they have a shortcut assigned.
Whoa... good eye.  That's a hard one to spot.  I've got it fixed up.

Also, the tabbing is fixed - new panels were not finished out.

Thanks, man!